Deadliest Catch

and more!

About Me

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"RiRi" Rita M. Tobey
I am 37 years young with a heart of steel and so much compassion for each person that I meet. I am the person in your life that will make you almost pee yourself from laughing so hard. This chick here, me, is the person that loves it when she sees one smiling and having fun. If you are glum, I will figure out a way to "turn that frown upside down". That saying is old school, but it describes what I am trying to say best. So smile, get freaky, and be happy! Life is too damn short to live life crappy. :-)
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I am in a lullish mode. I am beside myself. I miss Captain Phil Harris!!! My prayers are still with his family that he temporarily left behind. We will all see you in heaven, Sir!

First off, the episode that I have been terrified to see was last night. June 22, 2010 is a day in history that I will not forget. Two other dates that correspond with this date are January 26, 2010 and February 9, 2010. If you know anything about Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie, you may be familiar with these dates.
I am not going to relive or bring back extra saddened news, but, last night I saw the episode where Captain Phil had his stroke while on the Cornelia Marie. I cried. News of what had happened back in January, which is when it actually happened, streamed across the Discovery Channel and the internet. Then, February brought the worst news to those who cherish Deadliest Catch and the crew of the Cornelia Marie, as well as the rest of the fleet.

Captain Phil Harris was and is still in my heart and the hearts of millions of people worldwide. He will always live on...spiritually. Another tear falls. While another Angel returns home. His body may be here, but I know his soul raised up to Heaven, where he now chases the King crab and Opilio crab forever, on the biggest boat ever imagined. He is no longer in pain and has a beautiful heart that everyone wishes that they could have!

He seemed to be a fun-loving, straight up man who looked fear in the eyes and kept going. He also cared for his crew, no matter what!

"The waves come up and have a tendency to wipe out whoever is standing there. I gotta make sure that don't happen." Captain Phil Harris, 2007

I just read a post from Facebook from Josh Harris of the Cornelia Marie and eldest son of Captain Phil Harris. Why do people have to be so harsh toward him and his family as they are going through this time? He has been through some extremely hard times lately. Why can't people leave the man alone and let him grieve for his father?

This may not the correct place for this, but I wish that for the Harris family that people would back the ____ off! For Josh and Jake: Keep your chins up and do not let anyone get under your skin! You guys are definitely your father's sons. That is a compliment, by the way. Stay strong and Godspeed! My prayers are with you both. :-)

The Harris Trio during happier times. Aren't they adorable!

The Captain of my heart, Captain Phil Harris.
You are and will be missed greatly.
Rest in Peace and Smooth Seas, Captain Phil.

I can almost cry right now. We are coming to an end of another term. Off to start another one...but, I am sad because I feel that I am leaving my new good friends behind. This is tearing me apart. I know that I feel this way with each term ending, but this time it is different. I have made some new connections with people who feel like family. I hate leaving family behind! I am going to MISS YOU ALL!!!!!!! So, let us make sure that we are not officially leaving each other behind and keep in touch by exchanging phone numbers or addresses or something....I almost posted mine here....not a good idea. It will be posted on the discussion board in class. Anytime any of you need a friend to talk with, I am right here. Friends mean the world to me. I don't care about nationality, background, any of that small minded way that people separate themselves. I am just me, a human who bleeds red just like the rest of the human race. Which leads me to one other thing...there is only one race....the human race. Remember, God is color blind. Skin tones don't mean __________!!!!!!!!! We are all His children. Take care my loves!!!

--ReRe, Rita, Screamin Cheetaaah, DCSquints, Cheetah Tobey, Rita M. Tobey......ME!

You can always find me at the following places:

St. Augustine, Fl on AIM
If you own a hyundai or know anything about am Tibbi Girl. I have a tiburon fx. She is my baby!!!
in class somewhere....I am here and there at the same time!
And of course, you can keep in touch with me right here! :-)

May God bless you all. Best of wishes in your future classes and future profession!

Love is everything! So, spread some!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What the ???? Happened?!!?

OMG! I just got out of the hospital! I feel worse than when I went in. That is so sad. Here is what had happened...

On Thursday, I had the upper endoscopy and went home. Just before I left the hospital, I felt lethargic and highly swollen in the abdomen. Something was not right. The nurses told me to get something to eat and I should feel better. That did not happen! I got sicker.

After a night's worth of barfing, I was dehydrated and could not go to the potty. I could not move to save my life. As I was laying in the bed, I was having muscle spasms in the legs, arms, neck, jaw, and the entire back would spaz out, too. One of the spasms that hit my jaw locked my mouth open. That had to have been a sight! I tried to take my potassium pills, but they came back up for that last vote from the porcelain throne of judgment. Ha ha!

The day went on with the spasms and lethargy and I stayed in bed watching television. Most of the time, I was snoozing my life away. Literally! If my mom-in-law would not have came over to check on me, you would not be reading this. By the time she came over, I started having chest pains. I am not sure if they were my heart or not, but it hurt pretty badly.

I get to the e.r. and was sent to the back immediately. I was having breathing problems and kept fading in and out. My heart rate was 140 and my blood pressure was only 80/40. Pulse was too high and the blood pressure was too low. I was extremely cold to the touch, but I felt like I was on fire from the inside.

Then the nurses tried to get an iv. What a joke! My veins were hiding like OJ Simpson! The nurses were like, "I see you, now I am gonna poke you!" My veins had their own agenda, "I don't think so, Buddy! Catch me if you can. Hahahahahahaha! In your face!" I was poked over and over again. Both my arms and feet look like a pin cushion. Shoot, when I had the upper endoscopy, they got my iv in my ankle! They finally find one on my left hand on the side after fighting with all of the rest of my veins. I was hoping they would put one in my neck, better known as an "EJ". Those are so much better to have. They hurt a little bit, but are out of the way and last a bit longer than the ivs in the hands, arms, or feet. I have had them all. Central lines, PICC, midlines, I have had them at some point in my life.

Momentary Subject Change:  My hubby just gave me a back massage! Miracles do happen!!!!! I kept giggling because my back is so ticklish.

When I went to the er, I thought that they would give me some fluids and send me home...WRONG! I was admitted on Friday. The thing that was different this time was that I had a new symptom of panic attacks. Yesterday, I was happy that I could be released the next day, but things took a turn for the worse. I was lying in the bed trying to relax. But just then, I was almost catatonic with only my eyes able to move. That scared me! The iv pump was beeping because the iv in my inner elbow was kinked and I tried to move my arm to silence the machine, but there was NO movement of that arm. Then, I tried to call for my nurse, no sound came out! My breathing became erratic along with my heart rate and blood pressure. Finally, I was able to move my hand to press the nurses call button. Nothing was happening, no repsonse, no answer, nobody came, nothing. I was having uncontrollable feelings of fear that I have never felt before. It was horrifying! Then, I started thinking that people were after me and that there was a conspiracy happening against me. Just at the very moment,  my nurse popped her head in and asked if I was alright. I was able to mumble an almost silent, "No". She looked at me and called for assistance. My chest was jumping up and down quickly. She sat next to me and started to calm me down. She took my blood pressure and other stats, which were overwhelming by themselves. BP: 148/92, Respirations: 26, Heart Rate: 141, Oxygen: 98. Once the panic attack was over, my stats went back to normal: BP: 117/73, Repirations: 17, Heart Rate: 113, Oxygen: 99. I was given xanax, diluadid, and phenerghan. What a combination! Whew, I went to sleep! I woke up two hours later and went downstairs for a cigarette. I came back to bed after getting three puffs and was good. Then the night nurse came in and gave me more xanax to put my behind to sleep. I had a total of 4 mg of xanax, 4 mg of diluadid, and 50 mg of phenerghan last night. I am still a zombie right now! That medicine was given to me almost 24 hours ago! Go figure!

When it comes to me remembering things, my brain tends to play out exactly what had happened. I remember just about everything. My husband, Ric, calls me the "steel trap" because of this. But, my brain is in a fog at this moment. I am hoping that I can do all of my classwork from this week and get it turned in by midnight tonight!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Updating your information is important!

I received a call yesterday morning from Baptist Medical Center to register me for a upper endoscopy that is scheduled for today. I have been waiting for a few months for this procedure to be scheduled. This is a surgical procedure that is performed under anesthesia and requires the patient to be NPO or nothing by mouth for so many hours before the procedure. The patient must also have someone drive them to their appointment because of the anesthesia. With all this information, the patient usually has at minimum a week of advance notice.

I received a second call this morning that was my physician's office. The nurse was so happy to finally get in touch with me. She had been calling my sister-in-law's house, where I used to live, leaving messages there for two weeks. But, nobody called me to let me know of these messages.

Here is the moral to my story. If you want to have a reasonable notification of future events, make sure that your physician has your current contact information. The last time I went to my physician, I did change my information, but the office had not updated their files on me. So, also make sure that your physician's office does the update if you are planning on having a procedure of any sort! :-) Also, keep in touch with family members for two reasons. (There are more than two reasons, but for this story, it is two.) One, family is important. You only live once. Two, to ensure that they will get messages to you if one is left there.  :-)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Unit Seven Blogment

Hello all!

I must say that writing this essay has been intriging. It is so tiring. It also has been hypnotic. But, I get so sleepy that I actually get insomnia and then I can not sleep. The essay seems to have an underlying, subconscious, suggestive effect on my brain.  In the last week, I have not been sleeping well. As a matter of fact, I have had no sleep last night and one hour this morning. What is wrong with this picture? I am worried that it may have this effect on those reading my essay. Who knows? Maybe, it is just me stressing about other things in my life.

Another thing about my essay that I am worried about is that I have a mess load of references and haven't acutally used all of them in the essay just yet. I don't want my essay to be too long. Any suggestions?

By the way, I took this picture at the Sebastian Winery here in St Augustine, FL. I thought that it would be a little funny.