Deadliest Catch

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"RiRi" Rita M. Tobey
I am 37 years young with a heart of steel and so much compassion for each person that I meet. I am the person in your life that will make you almost pee yourself from laughing so hard. This chick here, me, is the person that loves it when she sees one smiling and having fun. If you are glum, I will figure out a way to "turn that frown upside down". That saying is old school, but it describes what I am trying to say best. So smile, get freaky, and be happy! Life is too damn short to live life crappy. :-)
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I am in a lullish mode. I am beside myself. I miss Captain Phil Harris!!! My prayers are still with his family that he temporarily left behind. We will all see you in heaven, Sir!

First off, the episode that I have been terrified to see was last night. June 22, 2010 is a day in history that I will not forget. Two other dates that correspond with this date are January 26, 2010 and February 9, 2010. If you know anything about Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie, you may be familiar with these dates.
I am not going to relive or bring back extra saddened news, but, last night I saw the episode where Captain Phil had his stroke while on the Cornelia Marie. I cried. News of what had happened back in January, which is when it actually happened, streamed across the Discovery Channel and the internet. Then, February brought the worst news to those who cherish Deadliest Catch and the crew of the Cornelia Marie, as well as the rest of the fleet.

Captain Phil Harris was and is still in my heart and the hearts of millions of people worldwide. He will always live on...spiritually. Another tear falls. While another Angel returns home. His body may be here, but I know his soul raised up to Heaven, where he now chases the King crab and Opilio crab forever, on the biggest boat ever imagined. He is no longer in pain and has a beautiful heart that everyone wishes that they could have!

He seemed to be a fun-loving, straight up man who looked fear in the eyes and kept going. He also cared for his crew, no matter what!

"The waves come up and have a tendency to wipe out whoever is standing there. I gotta make sure that don't happen." Captain Phil Harris, 2007

I just read a post from Facebook from Josh Harris of the Cornelia Marie and eldest son of Captain Phil Harris. Why do people have to be so harsh toward him and his family as they are going through this time? He has been through some extremely hard times lately. Why can't people leave the man alone and let him grieve for his father?

This may not the correct place for this, but I wish that for the Harris family that people would back the ____ off! For Josh and Jake: Keep your chins up and do not let anyone get under your skin! You guys are definitely your father's sons. That is a compliment, by the way. Stay strong and Godspeed! My prayers are with you both. :-)

The Harris Trio during happier times. Aren't they adorable!

The Captain of my heart, Captain Phil Harris.
You are and will be missed greatly.
Rest in Peace and Smooth Seas, Captain Phil.


Professor Feraldi said...

Oh Rita, at first I thought you were talking about the Alabama boat captain who became so depressed with what he was seeing and experiencing in the gulf disaster that he shot and killed himself.

I did not know the Captain Phil Harris story, but now I will have to find out to fill in the blanks. Thanks.

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