Yesterday, I somehow, sprained my left leg and knee. I couldn't do just one, had to do both. I guess I am the type of person who can not settle for something simple, that I must go a little further. Thank God I didn't break it! Think of it this way, I have a hard head along with tough bones. :-)
The reason I went to the emergency room was because the way my leg was feeling. It was feeling like it had a blood clot in it, not a sprain. DVT's (deep vein thrombosis) are not good in the least. They can cause a stroke and they kill. The pain started in the calf, not the knee. Then, within five minutes, the pain had moved up to the knee and started to go into the lower thigh. After ten minutes from the initial pain starting, the pain had travelled up to the hip. I can handle quite a bit of pain. But this was ridiculous. I could not get my leg comfortable at all. The pain was sharp, stabbing, and dull all at the same time. These pains were in different locations.
I had broken my right ankle when I was 12. I had torn the rectus femorus muscle on the left leg that same year in judo class. (I was thrown incorrectly and landed wrong.) Broke the left foot at 14. But, I have never injured my knees, with exception of slicing them open when I was a kid. So, I had never felt this type of pain before.
So, now I am trying to type sitting side wards and am uncomfortable with typing this way. How irritating. My leg is in an immobilizer device. This really bites!!!
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